Waste 2 Art Mid-Western Competition 2024

2.00pm Friday 14 June – Sunday 21 July 2024Waste 2 Art Mid Western Web banner.jpg


WASTE 2 ART Mid-Western 2024 was a community art exhibition and competition open to all local residents. It showcased creative works made from reused and recyclable waste materials. The aim of Waste 2 Art is to challenge people’s perceptions about ‘rubbish’ and to celebrate the reuse and recycling of waste through arts and crafts.

Waste to Art provides an innovative approach to waste education, invites individuals, artists, makers, schools and community groups to take up the challenge and create a new life for materials that would otherwise have been thrown away. Instead of ending up in landfill, these waste materials can be turned into fantastic works of art.

This competition gives aspiring and professional artists the chance to explore and share their “waste reduction message”.  It also provides a wonderful opportunity for the entire Mid-Western Regional Council community to showcase their creativity.


Individual or group entries are welcome in all categories.

Primary School
2 Dimensional
3 Dimensional

Secondary School

2 Dimensional
3 Dimensional

Community (no professional artists)

2 Dimensional
3 Dimensional

Open (Professional artists may enter this category*)
2 Dimensional
3 Dimensional

Creative Repair, Restore and Refurbish.
Be creative with something which no longer has a use by bringing a new function to the item.

*For the purpose of this competition a Professional Artist is defined as an individual who may not necessarily have formal art education but has a history of exhibiting in solo or group exhibitions.



  • All artworks must demonstrate the re-use and recycling of waste. 

  •  No new materials unless structurally required. 

  • Although works must use recycled materials it is necessary that are clean, hygenic and uncontaminated in order to ensure the saftey of gallery staff and the general public.

  • Mudgee Arts Precinct will notify winners of the Mid-Western Waste 2 Art competition via the email provided on your entry form. 

  • Results of the Mid-Western Waste 2 Art Competition will be announced on the Mudgee Arts Precinct website and social media channels.

  • Results of the Waste 2 Art Regional Showcase will be announced on the NetWaste website. 

  • All entrants grant permission to publish names, photographs and artworks. 

  • Judges and their immediate families are not eligible to enter. 

  • The Judges decision is final, no correspondence will be entered into. 

  • Artworks and copyright remain the property of the entrant. 

  • An artist’s statement will accompany each entry (MAX 300 WORDS) 

  • Artworks must be safe for public exhibition and labelled with your name and council. 

  • No packaged artwork to exceed a size of 1 meter in any one direction or a weight of 30kgs. 

  • All artworks must be exhibition ready. Works to be hung require a hanging system, sculptures must be freestanding. Special display instructions are to be included on entry forms.

  • If selected for the WASTE 2 ART Regional Showcase artworks must be delivered to Mudgee Arts Precinct, 90 Market Street Mudgee packed ready for transport by Monday 29 August. You will be notified by Mudgee Arts Precinct when your work is returned from the regional showcase exhibition and is ready for collection. The cost and means of transport to your local exhibition are the responsibility of the entrant. If you are a winner at the local exhibition your work will be transported to a Regional Exhibition free of charge once you have packed and taken it to the nominated collection point. The organisers will take all reasonable care in handling and dealing with works submitted, however the organisers will not be responsible for any loss or damage incurred to any of the artworks or materials.


Contact the Cultural Team at Mudgee Arts Precinct for more information.
PHONE NUMBER: 02 6378 2850
EMAIL: map@midwestern.nsw.gov.au